Just Switch the Music
Just switch the music I took footage from a live animal export business promotional video and swapped its music with music from Schindler‘s list. Then I did the same for the Schindler‘s list footage, using the music that had originally been in the live export promo video. This is dedicated to the soulless robot humans who stand in front of the camera on live export ships or at factory farms letting us all know that the animals are all calm and receiving the best possible treatment. It is also dedicated to the mindless modern human so incapable of independent thought that a little music and reassuring words are all that are required to no longer see evil. Believe it or not, that’s the happy footage for the live export, taken from a real promo video, that’s as good as it gets for those animals. And that’s really the music used in their video. #meatindustry #liveexport #animalagriculture #schindlerslist #holocaust # speciesism #objectification #disconnection #cognitivedissonance ...